Monday, February 26, 2007

Mardi Gras??? Not This Year

This year for Mardi Gras i went to have lunch with my friends' boy friend in Robertsdale at the Magnolia Blossom. After we left there we had this weird idea to drive down to Gulf Shores to have ice cream at Scopes that was some of the best ice cream that i have had. When we finished we drove down the beach strip and got stuck in traffic for over a hour because the parade had just ended in Orange beach, but we still had fun laughing at all the drunk people stumbling on the side of the road.My day finally ended with dinner at the Eastern Shore Center. That day was full of fun, but by the of the day i was just ready to go HOME...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Blogging in The Classroom !!!

The first website that i found was a teacher who used blogs in his math classroom. The teacher used the blogs in two different ways. The first blog was for the teaher to use it was the "classroom Blog" which is where the teacher makes all of his major entries that include assessments and enrichments because the teacher is able to post links and other classroom sources.The second use is for the students to to display their work.They may do so by adding pictures, audio, and charts. This website offered tip for other teachers to use in their classroom if they want to start using blogs in their room too.

The second website that I found was from a teacher in Camilla, Georgia. Vicki Davis has two use for blogs in her classroom.She has classroom organization and classroom content. Vicki organizes her classroom content into 5 catogories. 1) Lesson summeries- Which is where students post all of their school work,2)Collaboration of notes, 3)Concepts Introduction and Exploratory Projects- Allows the classroom to do research together,4)Dissemination of Important Classroom- Allow Students to upload material ,5)Individual Assesment Projects- The teacher is able to grade the student on the progress the he or she has made through out the class.This teacher likes to blog so much that she has given up final exams.